I guess this can be a fun game. My connection is rather shitty so it was almost unplayable on my end when I tested it. When more people join in this can quickly become fun as hell. It is working too so it's a yea for me.
I guess this can be a fun game. My connection is rather shitty so it was almost unplayable on my end when I tested it. When more people join in this can quickly become fun as hell. It is working too so it's a yea for me.
Thanks for the review! Sorry about the servers, when more players start to play the game, i will be able to upgrade them and make them available in more regions!
A very solid fun and enjoyable platformer.
Those are the words I would use to summarize this awesome game.
Challenging and not too hard so everyone can have a shot at it. The controls are responsive so if you fall or die you have only you to blame for.
Regarding the story and the character, not much too tell:
It is the story of a sassy crocodile lass with a top hat that risks its ass for a sweet sum of coins. (see this alliteration in the s consonant?)
You did a really good job on that one, congratulations. You should be proud.
As always, thanks for the fat medals, it has been a pleasure playing your game.
See you later alligators.
You are onto something and I have seen worse monkey doo doo on this site.
Add a selection of tracks and background. Maybe some more animated shit.
You deserve a chance. Here I cast my vote to you peasant, I hope you realize the magnitude of my magnimous move.
Thank you for the feedback! We made this for a school project, and we had to post the swf file on a hosting website, but im going to work on the game and add a lot more features and functions, and an option to turn off the music xD
All jokes aside, I played your game because I wanted to have those badges/medals with mister Murray's face.
Just as a reminder for me and everyone else who might stumble across my profile that in our lifetime, the biggest con man to have ever walked this plane of existence was no one else but... Sean Murray.
Brilliant, truly. Also I am sure someone else mentioned it before but it is astonishing how some dude on Newgrounds managed to make a better game than that majestic rip-off of legends. Nobody will remember you Skudge but everyone will remember that radiant, smiling, punchable face of Sean 'No Game' Murray.
He wins no matter what people do, that is the morale of this story. HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!
On a fucking flash game website... I cannot believe it is actually a real finished vidya gaem omg!!1!!
-Nice music, soothing and pleasant
-Controls are working
-I actually had fun fucking around and invested some of my precious time
Suck it Murray.
Thanks a lot, i'm flattered!
Not too shabby.
I like the drawings and the neat and the interface, intuitive. The concepts, while being reduced to the basics of what they are supposed to be, are still clear and understandable and without too much ridicule. There are no contradictions so far, so it is a good sign. While you are tackling on a very serious subject, you could not avoid the abridged versions of some fundamentals (economically and socially speaking). That is good too otherwise this would no longer be a 'game' but walls and walls of text.
Speaking of text, I see several users wrote how 'amazing' and 'deep' this game is, how it speaks to them. They should really think twice before writing anything close to an opinion regarding politics.
Instead of parroting inane comments, they should start by reading a book.
This game works more as a reminder that society is complex and that one should always seek knowledge and understanding before coming with a valid opinion on that matter. Even the best of us still have not achieved this virtue.
Nonetheless, I am not going to go on and on about this. Suffice to say, on a technical level, this game is doing good. Not too hard (and here I think this is not the point), not too simplistic either.
Your approach of these issues, put in parallel with the current state of the world is undoubtedly interesting and worth pondering about what is to come.
Thank you for the review! It's very helpful, and I will definitely keep all this in my mind doing the second part! :)
Alright everyone calm your tits.
This is a decent game, a good one I dare say. And yes it is not for wussies and casuals.
I am all for hardcore difficulty in games but damn, people who made this game took it to a whole new level.
While I am writing this review, beads of sweat are still rolling down my back and my face and my chair is completely drenched. The air is filled with ass smell.
Congrats on that one guys, you really caught my attention until the boss fight. Oh, thanks for the boos fight button (that I only noticed after my third retry), I was about to hurl the computer out of the window.
I seriously do hope that you did play your own game because if I am the only one who struggled big time then I am truly too old for this shit.
This mini game has a serious balancing problem:
-laser is utter shit until the end and the upgrades are WAY too much expensive
-magnet collector is a joke
-guided rockets are too slow as well
-hitboxes are unforgivable (especially on the boss fight)
The only good weapon, in my opinion, remains the canon. Good firepower and good damage. The machinegun is alright (only at the start of the game though).
That kind of game is not my specialty but I wanted to give it a try and I succeeded but oh boy do my fingers hurt.
Yet I had fun, the graphics are good because of their simplicity, colours are alright in my book and the sfx/music is bearable (only muted after 2 hours into the game).
Not five stars because I really had to force myself to remain calm and make it through the end.
Overall you did good guys, congrats and I hope you did test your game until the end. You should have seen the problems that I mentioned otherwise you are pure cyborgs killing machines with mad reflexes and I am a mere human.
Casuals, word of advice, you might wanna steer clear out of this game.
Not a bad game. I do not understand all the fuss about the story or the ending.
I mean it is not primordial for that genre of game. It is bonus point if there is one however.
I can recognize the humour typical of kreig13 filling the short conversations between the heroes. It is done cleverly and if not hilarious, it can make you smile a bit.
Very intuitive, I like my flash games when there is only the mouse required to play. I am not here to beat my apm score. Relaxing but also challenging, it invites you to use your brain in some situations. But not too much; I am not looking for a mahjong game or a sudoku. The balance is just right.
What a ending! That song was not so bad after all; I did not feel like muting it.
Good work to you, I am looking forward playing one of your other game sometimes.
Good game and great art as well. I got all the medals and I encountered no problems at all. Funny references everywhere, I was going from surprise to surprise. 5 stars !
Completed. Thanks for the game and thanks for the medals !
Fantastic little game. Nice ambient sounds and the music fits perfectly. As for the difficulty, I got slightly mad in some levels but the scaling is alright. It requires a bit of patience and a lot of nerves. I have all the medals and I think anyone can get them as well with the same efforts.
Age 38
Joined on 1/9/14